How to Fulfil Orders on Your Shopify Store

How to Fulfil Orders on Your Shopify Store

Fulfilling orders on your Shopify store is a crucial part of managing your business and ensuring customer satisfaction. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fulfil orders on your Shopify store:

How to Fulfil Orders on Your Shopify Store

Step 1: Log in to Your Shopify Admin

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Shopify website.
  2. Log in to your Shopify account with your username and password.
  3. You will be directed to your Shopify admin dashboard upon successful login.

Step 2: Navigate to Orders

  1. From the Shopify admin dashboard, click on "Orders" in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. This will take you to the Orders page, where you can see a list of all your store’s orders.

Step 3: Select an Order to Fulfil

  1. Find the order you want to fulfil by using the search bar or browsing through the list of orders.
  2. Click on the order number to open the order details page.

Step 4: Review Order Details

  1. On the order details page, review the customer’s information, order items, and shipping address to ensure everything is correct.
  2. Make any necessary adjustments or contact the customer if there are any issues.

Step 5: Fulfil the Order

  1. Manual Fulfilment:

    • Click the "Fulfil items" button at the top right corner of the order details page.
    • If you are fulfilling part of the order, adjust the quantities as needed.
    • If you want to notify the customer that their order has been shipped, make sure the "Send notification email to customer" checkbox is ticked.
    • Click "Fulfil items" to complete the fulfilment process.
  2. Automatic Fulfilment (if enabled):

    • Orders will be marked as fulfilled automatically if you have set up automatic fulfilment for digital products or if you use a third-party fulfilment service.

Step 6: Add Tracking Information (Optional)

  1. If you are shipping the order yourself, you can add tracking information for the customer.
    • Click on "Add tracking" in the fulfilment section.
    • Enter the tracking number and select the shipping carrier from the drop-down menu.
    • Click "Save" to update the order with the tracking information.

Step 7: Print Shipping Labels (Optional)

  1. If you are using Shopify Shipping, you can purchase and print shipping labels directly from the order details page.
    • Click "Create shipping label."
    • Choose the shipping method, package details, and purchase the label.
    • Print the label and attach it to your package.

Step 8: Complete the Fulfilment

  1. Once the order is fulfilled, the order status will be updated to "Fulfilled."
  2. The customer will receive a notification email with the shipping and tracking information if you opted to send it.

Additional Tips

  1. Bulk Fulfilment: If you have multiple orders to fulfil, you can select multiple orders from the Orders page and click "Fulfil orders" to process them in bulk.
  2. Partial Fulfilment: If you can only fulfil part of an order, adjust the quantities and fulfil the items you have in stock. You can fulfil the remaining items when they become available.
  3. Order Notes: Use the "Add note" feature to keep internal notes about the order, such as special handling instructions or communication with the customer.
  4. Third-Party Fulfilment: If you use a third-party fulfilment service, ensure that they are integrated with your Shopify store for automatic updates and notifications.
  5. Monitor Inventory: Keep an eye on your inventory levels to ensure you have enough stock to fulfil orders promptly.


Fulfilling orders on your Shopify store is a key process in maintaining customer satisfaction and managing your business efficiently. By following these steps, you can ensure that orders are processed accurately and promptly. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, Shopify’s support resources and community forums are valuable resources.