How to Customise your Shopify Store - Home Page

How to Customise your Shopify Store - Home Page

Customising your Shopify store’s home page is crucial for creating a strong first impression and engaging your customers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Log into Your Shopify Admin

  1. Go to Shopify Login.
  2. Enter your store’s credentials to access the admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Themes Section

  1. In the admin dashboard, look for the Online Store section on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click on Themes. This will take you to the Themes page where you can manage your current theme.

Step 3: Access the Theme Editor

  1. In the Themes page, find your current theme.
  2. Click on Customise to open the theme editor.

Step 4: Customise the Home Page Layout

In the theme editor, you can add, remove, and rearrange sections on your home page.

1. Add Sections:

  1. Click on Add section. A menu will appear with different types of sections you can add, such as:

    • Slideshow: For adding image sliders with or without text overlays.
    • Featured Collection: To showcase a collection of products.
    • Featured Product: Highlight a specific product.
    • Image with Text: Add an image alongside text for promotions or announcements.
    • Newsletter Signup: Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.
    • Testimonials: Display customer reviews and testimonials.
    • Blog Posts: Show recent blog posts from your store’s blog.
  2. Select the type of section you want to add, customise its settings, and click Add.

2. Customise Each Section:

  1. Click on any section to edit its content and settings.
    • Slideshow: Upload images, add text overlays, and set transitions.
    • Featured Collection: Choose a collection to feature and customize the display settings.
    • Image with Text: Upload an image, add a heading, and write descriptive text.
    • Testimonials: Add testimonials, including customer names and reviews.
    • Newsletter Signup: Customise the text and design of the signup form.

3. Rearrange Sections:

  1. Drag and drop sections to rearrange them in the desired order.
  2. Preview the layout to ensure it looks appealing and functional.

Step 5: Customise Theme Styles for the Home Page

  1. In the theme editor, go to Theme settings.
  2. Here, you can adjust:
    • Colours: Set colours for backgrounds, text, buttons, and other elements on the home page.
    • Typography: Choose fonts and sizes for headings, body text, and other text elements.
    • Buttons: Customise the style, shape, and colour of buttons used on the home page.
    • Social Media: Add links to your social media profiles, which can be displayed in the footer or header.

Step 6: Add Custom Content (Optional)

For advanced customisation, you can add custom HTML, CSS, or JavaScript:

  1. In the theme editor, click on Actions next to your theme.
  2. Select Edit code.
  3. Add or modify code in the appropriate files to create custom content or styling for the home page. This step is recommended for users with coding knowledge or with the help of a developer.

Step 7: Save and Preview

  1. Save your changes frequently to avoid losing any edits.
  2. Use the Preview option to see how your home page looks on both desktop and mobile devices.
  3. Make sure to test all functionalities to ensure everything works correctly.

Step 8: Publish Changes

Once you are satisfied with your customisations:

  1. Click on Save to apply the changes.
  2. Your Shopify home page will now reflect the customisations you made.

By following these steps, you can effectively customise your Shopify store’s home page to create an attractive and engaging first impression for your visitors.