How to Customise your Shopify Store - Blog Posts

How to Customise your Shopify Store - Blog Posts

Customising blog posts on your Shopify store can enhance their appearance and improve user engagement. Here’s a detailed guide on how to customise individual blog posts in Shopify:

Step 1: Log into Your Shopify Admin

  1. Go to Shopify Login.
  2. Enter your store’s credentials to access the admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Blog Posts Section

  1. In the admin dashboard, look for the Online Store section on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click on Blog Posts. This will take you to the blog management section where you can create and edit blog posts.

Step 3: Create or Edit a Blog Post

  1. To create a new blog post, click Add blog post.
  2. To edit an existing blog post, click on the title of the post you want to customise.

Step 4: Customise Blog Post Content

  1. Add and Format Text:

    • Use the rich text editor to add and format your text.
    • Add headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content.
    • Use bullet points or numbered lists for better readability.
  2. Insert Images and Videos:

    • Click on the image icon to upload images from your computer or select existing images from your library.
    • Use the video icon to embed videos from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.
    • Ensure all images are high-quality and relevant to your content.
  3. Add Links:

    • Highlight the text you want to turn into a link.
    • Click the link icon and enter the URL.
    • Make sure links open in a new tab to keep readers on your blog.
  4. Embed Custom HTML (Optional):

    • Click on the <> HTML button to switch to HTML mode.
    • Embed custom HTML code for advanced features like custom forms, widgets, or other third-party integrations.

Step 5: Customise Blog Post Settings

  1. Visibility:

    • Choose whether the post is visible to all visitors or kept hidden.
    • Schedule a publication date if you want the post to go live at a specific time.
  2. SEO:

    • Customise the page title, meta description, and URL handle to improve search engine optimisation (SEO).
    • Ensure the title and meta description accurately describe the blog content and include relevant keywords.
  3. Featured Image:

    • Add a featured image for your blog post to make it more visually appealing on the blog list page.
    • Ensure the image is high-quality and represents the content of the post.
  4. Excerpt:

    • Write a short excerpt to provide a summary of the blog post.
    • This excerpt is often displayed on the blog list page and should entice readers to click through to the full post.

Step 6: Customise the Blog Post Layout in Theme Editor

  1. Go to the Themes section in the admin dashboard.
  2. Click on Customise to open the theme editor.
  3. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the sidebar to navigate to Blog pages and select a specific blog post.

1. Blog Post Layout:

  1. Featured Image and Title:

    • Customise the display of the featured image and title at the top of the blog post.
    • Adjust the size and alignment to fit your design.
  2. Author Information and Date:

    • Enable or disable the display of the author’s name and publication date.
    • Customise the style and placement of this information.
  3. Social Sharing Buttons:

    • Enable social sharing buttons to allow readers to share your posts on social media platforms.
    • Customise the appearance and position of these buttons.
  4. Related Posts:

    • Add a related posts section to keep readers engaged and encourage them to read more of your content.
    • Customise the number of related posts displayed and their layout.

Step 7: Customise Theme Styles for Blog Posts

  1. In the theme editor, go to Theme settings.
  2. Adjust the following settings as needed:
    • Colours: Set colours for text, backgrounds, buttons, and other elements.
    • Typography: Choose fonts and sizes for headings, body text, and other text elements.
    • Buttons: Customise the style, shape, and colour of buttons used within blog posts.

Step 8: Add Custom Content or Sections (Optional)

For advanced customisation, you can add custom HTML, CSS, or JavaScript:

  1. In the Themes page, click on Actions next to your theme.
  2. Select Edit code.
  3. Add or modify code in the appropriate files (usually the article.liquid file in the Templates folder) to create custom content or styling for the blog posts. This step is recommended for users with coding knowledge or with the help of a developer.

Step 9: Save and Preview

  1. Save your changes frequently to avoid losing any edits.
  2. Use the Preview option to see how your blog posts look on both desktop and mobile devices.
  3. Make sure to test all functionalities, such as links and social sharing buttons, to ensure everything works correctly.

Step 10: Publish Changes

Once you are satisfied with your customisations:

  1. Click on Save to apply the changes.
  2. Your Shopify blog posts will now reflect the customisations you made.

Tips for Enhancing Blog Posts

  • Consistency: Ensure a consistent design across all blog posts for a cohesive look.
  • Engagement: Use engaging and high-quality images, videos, and interactive elements.
  • Clarity: Keep the content clear, concise, and well-organised to improve readability.
  • SEO: Optimise each post for search engines to drive organic traffic.

By following these steps, you can effectively customise your Shopify store’s blog posts to provide valuable content, engage with your audience, and enhance the overall user experience.