How to Add a Contact Form Section to Your Shopify Store

How to Add a Contact Form Section to Your Shopify Store

Adding a contact form section to your Shopify store allows customers to easily get in touch with you, ask questions, or provide feedback. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add a contact form section to your Shopify store:

How to Add a Contact Form Section to Your Shopify Store

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Admin

  1. Log in to your Shopify account.
  2. Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your Shopify admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Online Store

  1. From the Shopify admin dashboard, click on "Online Store" in the left-hand menu.
  2. Select "Themes" from the submenu.

Step 3: Customise Your Theme

  1. Customise Theme:
    • On the Themes page, find your current theme. Click the "Customise" button next to your active theme.

Step 4: Add a Contact Form Section

  1. Sections Tab:

    • In the theme editor, you will see a menu on the left-hand side with various sections that you can add or edit on your store's pages.
  2. Add Section:

    • Scroll down to find the "Add section" button and click it.
  3. Select Contact Form:

    • From the list of available sections, select "Contact form" or "Get in touch." This will add a new contact form section to your page.

Step 5: Configure the Contact Form Section

  1. Customise Form Fields:

    • In the contact form settings, you can customise the form fields that customers need to fill out to contact you. Typically, this includes fields for their name, email address, subject, and message.
    • Name Field: Make sure there is a field for customers to enter their name.
    • Email Field: Ensure there is a field for customers to enter their email address.
    • Subject Field: Include a field where customers can specify the subject of their inquiry.
    • Message Field: Provide a textarea where customers can write their message.
  2. Customise Call-to-Action (CTA):

    • Include a clear and inviting call-to-action (CTA) that encourages customers to get in touch. This could be something like "Send Message" or "Submit."
  3. Notification Settings:

    • Configure notification settings to ensure you receive an email notification whenever someone submits the contact form. This allows you to respond promptly to customer inquiries.
    • Make sure the email address where notifications will be sent is correct and regularly monitored.

Step 6: Save Your Changes

  1. Save:
    • After configuring your contact form section, click the "Save" button at the top right of the theme editor to apply your changes.

Step 7: Preview Your Store

  1. Preview:

    • It’s always a good idea to preview your store to see how the contact form section looks. Click on the "eye" icon next to the save button to preview your store.
  2. Test the Contact Form:

    • Enter your information into the contact form and test the submission process to ensure it works correctly. Verify that you receive the notification email after submitting the form.

Additional Tips

  1. Keep it Simple:

    • Don’t overwhelm customers with too many form fields. Keep the contact form simple and easy to fill out.
  2. Include Required Fields:

    • Make sure to mark essential fields as required to prevent customers from submitting incomplete forms.
  3. Provide Clear Instructions:

    • Include instructions or hints within the form fields to guide customers on what information to provide.
  4. Add a Privacy Policy Link:

    • Include a link to your privacy policy below the contact form to assure customers that their information is secure and will not be shared with third parties.


Adding a contact form section to your Shopify store is a valuable way to facilitate communication between you and your customers. By following these steps, you can easily add and customise a contact form section that encourages customers to get in touch with you. Promptly responding to customer inquiries can help build trust and enhance the overall shopping experience on your Shopify store. If you need further assistance, Shopify’s support team and community forums are valuable resources.